
Showing posts from February, 2018


Dear Reader, This post is to encourage you about human rights. Human Rights Crime reporting of human across the globe. Just like any life faces difficulties as it grows on earth, each human life too will face difficulties to grow. However, these difficulties are actually to sharpen and perfecting the lives on earth. For example, a tree faces hot sun or cold winter as it grows over the years of its life. But each difficulty teaches and helps the tree to continue its growth. So that as the tree grows older, it becomes like a sanctuary where birds and other animals can find shelter. So human across  the globe are also seeking such a sanctuary. A sanctuary where their difficulties will be hard. And their opinions will be honored. Human Rights Crime Report is such an organization where people too wishes to find hopes that their opinions and their difficulties will find a place. Here in this Blog, it is desired that all the reports and comments may help develop such a sanctuary where peop